1965 – Elisabetta arrived at Montenidoli to rescue an abandoned land and plant new vineyards.
1968 – Sergio, the Magister, came in the peace of the nature of Montenidoli to heal restless children and give new life to the many ones that came to him for help.
2014 – Montenidoli sets up Sergio the Patriarch Foundation, to continue the heritage of the great Teacher.
Montenidoli – the nest of small birds – has been the healer for unsettled youngsters.
Our roots are in the earth: the simple, everyday life of the farmers testifies the energy of the soil.
Our Foundation wants to go back to our common Mother Earth and get stronger together.
The earth giving and sharing a humanitarian experience, in an uncontaminated land.
The earth is first of all a message of non-violence, through the life of plants and animals.
The earth that unites people, creeds and races in a vision of brotherhood.
The riches of the past generation for the knowledge of future achievements.
From around the world: the old and the young together, for an enriching encounter.
The birth of new friendships, for new collaborations and trusts, to chase disease and fear.